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Council Committee

Terms Of Reference

Administrative Committee

KWAN Yuen Fan, Eva (Chair)
Ng Kit Yee
Yeung Kai Jone
Tsoi Tacko
Poon Yuk Chun
Venonica LI

Overseen VP
Tam Oi Foon Sammei

Terms Of Reference

  1. To provide administrative support to the Board of Directors, Committee Members and the College Members of the Hong Kong College of Critical Care Nursing
  2. To assist the application of registration for:
    • Registered Advanced Practice Nurse (Critical Care Nursing)
    • Renewal of certification of Registered Advanced Practice Nurse (Critical Care Nursing)
  3. To issue the specialist practicing certificates.
  4. To disseminate information regarding membership of the Hong Kong College of Critical Care Nursing to the College Members.
  5. To handle appeal issues related to registration for Registered Advanced Practice Nurse (Critical Care Nursing)
  6. To oversee all operations in the office of the Hong Kong College of Critical Care Nursing.
  7. To liaise with local / regional / international organizations for the benefits related to the College Members of the Hong Kong College of Critical Care Nursing.

Education Committee

LEUNG Pui Wah, Rowlina (Chair)
Poon Shing Tak
Fung Mei Wah Flora
Chan Wing Keung, David
Chiang Vico
Chung Wai Yee
Hsung Ching Man, Jennifer
Lai Chi Keung, Peter
Lam Chung Ling
Lee Yim Fong, Halsted
Lui Ching Yi, Carmen
Tang Stephen
Wong Yee Hing Esther (IPP)
Yu Kin Yip, Kenneth (VP)

Overseen VP
So Hang Mui

Terms Of Reference

  1. To support the Education Committee of the Hong Kong Academy of Nursing to achieve its missions.
  2. To advise the Education Committee of Hong Kong Academy of Nursing on professional education and training policies related to critical care nursing, and on any other matters concerning postgraduate education, training, continuing nursing education and examination.
  3. To promote advancement of the body of knowledge pertaining to critical care nursing.
  4. To promote the integrity, ethical conduct and standards in the practice of critical care nursing.
  5. To recommend and accredit recognized critical care nursing programmes for associate members of HKCCCN.
  6. To determine the standards and contents for basic and higher clinical training.
  7. To collaborate with the Education Committee of Hong Kong Academy of Nursing in co-ordination and monitoring of post-graduate education programmes and training and continuing nursing education related critical care specialty.
  8. To establish and maintain a system for Advanced Practice Critical Care Nurse (APCCN) examination for full membership of Hong Kong College of Critical Care Nursing, and uphold standards for the examination system.
  9. To determine the standards and contents of assessment for HKCCCN Fellowship.

Examination Subcommittee

Lam Chung Ling
Vico Chiang
Esther Wong

Terms Of Reference

  1. To develop examination questions for APCCN examination.
  2. To ascertain validity and reliability of newly developed examination questions.
  3. To manage examination question registry.
  4. To establish examination papers for APCCN examination.
  5. To design and conduct pre-APCCN examination workshop for HKCCCN members.
  6. To design and organize assessment for full members in the process of obtaining HKCCCN Fellowship.
  7. To collaborate with Examination & Accreditation Committee in conduction of APCCN examination.

Professional Development & Programme Subcommittee

LEUNG Pui Wah, Rowlina (Chair)
Chau Lai Sheung
Cheung Kai Leung
Cheung Yuk Choi, Vitus
Ho Ka Man, Carmen
Lee Sui Fong, Christina
Joanna Lo
Lui Ching Yi, Carmen
Wilson Lo
Mak Po Ching
Tang Sui Lan
Wong Yee Hing Esther
Wong Ruby
Yu Kin Yip, Kenneth

Terms Of Reference

  1. Initiate, maintain and sustain a strategic overview of all aspects of HKCCCN’s professional development pathway.
  2. To oversee professional development activities of HKCCCN and their implementation.
  3. To provide guidance in relation to engagement of HKCCCN Fellows in professional development activities.
  4. To establish policies and strategies to advance critical care nursing.
  5. To identify and organize in course planning and curriculum development of educational programmes for HKCCN members and Fellows
  6. To collaborate / liaise with Promotion & Public Relations Committee in co-coordinating talks for the promotion of public health.
  7. To make recommendations to HKCCCN Council on critical care nursing and professional development issues.

Examination & Accreditation Committee

LUI Ching Yi, Carmen (Chair)
HUI Chi Ming
Esther Wong (IPP)
Ho Ka Man, Carmen (President)
Yu Kin Yip, Kenneth (VP)
Leung Pui Wah, Rowlina

Overseen VP
Yu Kin Yip Kenneth

Terms Of Reference

  1. To establish the system for membership examination.
  2. To endorse both the content of membership examination papers and assessment methods proposed by the Education Committee
  3. To support the conduction of Advanced Practice Critical Care Nurse (APCCN) certification examination for full membership of HKCCCN yearly.
  4. To recommend to the Council the credentialing requirements, assessment methods and any other attributes that qualified a full member to be a fellow member of the College.
  5. To monitor the examination result, and manage examination-related complaints and appeals.
  6. To recommend to the Council the composition of Accreditation Panel yearly.
  7. To design and review the accreditation process for training sites.
  8. To accredit training sites for critical care nursing training for a period of 5 years.
  9. To report to the council on matters related to accreditation of nurse specialists (APNs) including recertification, restoration and removal of names in the Specialist Register under HKCCCN.
  10. To prepare relevant materials for the application to HKAN as an Academy College.

Promotion & Public Relations Committee

KOWK Wai Ling, Phyllis (Chair)
Lee Yu Sheung
Chan Mei Fun
Cheng Ming Wai Sean
Denny Leung
Mak Man Kuen

Overseen VP
Chan Yuk Sim

Terms Of Reference

  1. To promote the concept of having HKAN to all critical care nurses and the public in Hong Kong.
  2. To disseminate and ensure all members of the HKCCCN receive up-to-date information regarding HKAN establishment.
  3. To promote the functions and activities of the college to all nurses.
  4. To support the Board of HKCCCN in representing the college in all professional and social events.
  5. To liaise and collaborate with HKAN and its academy colleges, professional bodies and organizations on professional activities and related community programmes
  6. To solicit sponsorship and/or promotional opportunities for supporting HKCCCN.
  7. To report to the board in terms of P&PR activities.

Quality & Standard Committee

POON Yuk Chun
Gladys Wong
Hui Chi Ming
Chu Ngar Wan
Wong Hon Bill, Mickey
Amy Kwong

Overseen VP
Luk Hing Wah

Terms Of Reference

  1. To recommend College on issues related to quality and standard of critical care nursing practice in Hong Kong.
  2. To monitor and review practice standards of critical care nursing and to make relevant recommendations for advancement in collaboration with Education Committee.
  3. To advise on benchmarking of quality and standard of critical care nursing practice to ensure clinical competencies and professional practice standards as well as ethical integrity.
  4. To advise the development of guidelines and service indicators to enhance quality critical care nursing practice.